Monday, August 10, 2009

Hot Hand, Cold Hand

It took me a while to notice this, but the sinks here have two spouts, one for hot water and one for cold. This seems to be logical except that when you are washing your hands, you really have to pick a horse and ride it as far as water temperature goes.

Now the weather is not usually hot here, it's warm at best and you don't really want to be dunking your hands in cold water for 20-30 seconds. You sure as heck can't hold that up with the hot water. And according to the British health authorities, you can't really skimp on the time either because anything less will ensure a case of the swine flu.

So I have developed a system to turn on both spouts and rotate hands which, if I'm honest, it's not fool proof. It usually ends up in burning my left hand a little. So I guess I can add "comfortable handwashing" to the list of things I am looking forward to when I get back. And "no longer talking about the swine flu."

Haiku about English sinks:

Left hand burnt and the
Right hand growing icicles.
What happened to warm?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Warm is easy... you turn both spouts on, take some water from one spout and quickly move your hand over to the other spout! After a few years you'll get the hang of it!

Stop picking on the wonderful English design!