Sunday, August 9, 2009

Internet Stalking

[Ed. note: I have retroactively posted this because it was already written, but our internet was out yesterday. Not that I need to explain to you, mostly because you don't care.]

I recently finished reading The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and one of the main characters is a major internet hacker. As a superhero internet stalker, it made me think about things.

I was going to keep any posted details about myself and family, etc. on this blog incredibly vague for personal security reasons. However, there is little point to that policy. First of all the only people who read this blog are members of my family.* Second, all information about everything and everyone is available on the internet anyway.

Trust me I know this, in law school they give you free reign on all of the good internet search engines. Westlaw and Lexis have personal information searches which are mostly public records but just easier to find on these databases. So law students immediately look up if that guy you met in the bar has ever been married or how much equity your friend who always lectures you on finance has in her house.

But truthfully, even though I have acquired the super-human skill of internet stalking, it can be a little bit scary to think of it being used against me. Like all the good superheros, I try to use my abilities for good and never evil - but I cannot assume the same about everyone else.

Don't worry I'm not going to post anything personal anyway, even if I am just delaying the inevitable. And I am still going to read the next book in the Dragon Tattoo trilogy, but since Amazon keeps track of what I read you probably already knew that.

Internet stalking haiku:

Internet stalking.
Terrible! That is, unless
I need your address.

*Minus my dad, his entire review verbatim was this: "Just looked at your blog. Interesting. Dad"

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