Saturday, August 8, 2009

Exc-HULU-sive Video

One thing that is annoying about being over here is that many internet videos are not licensed to be shown in the UK. I have yet to see an exchange of money for internet video but I guess it is a booming business.

One of my favorite sites for streaming video,, constantly is prohibiting streaming video over here and once you've grown accustomed to having the service it is very annoying to have it revoked. Someone said there is a legal way to get around it but I would rather be annoyed and complain, so I guess I am retaining my American-ness well.

One of the most surprising offenders with the licensing rules is YouTube. I have clicked on a few "channels" on youtube to get music in my room while I'm getting ready and the videos are restricted by licensing rules.

YouTube is supposed to be about what YOU want to watch on your newfangled computer-TUBE. It is supposed to be anti-establishment. It is supposed to be underground, a video Napster but it's a sell out to the man. It feels like going into your favorite hole-in-the-wall, mom and pop cafe and finding out they sell Starbucks coffee. Lame!

Hulu haiku (say that five times fast):

Hulu. I love u.
Except your licensing rules:
Hu-ludicrous laws.*
*Yes, I know I am a law student and should be supporting licensing rules and I do, unless they conflict with my ability to watch and listen to whatever I want whenever I want.

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