Thursday, August 6, 2009


There is a special drink that people here like to have. It's called a Pimm's, which is a kind of alcohol, but when you order a "Pimm's" from the bartender it is usually mixed with lemonade. Or lots of fruity things, as demonstrated in my favorite Pimm's commercial (link below).

Pimm's is fairly popular in England, but it is THE drink of Oxford according to most people around Oxford. However, I just have one problem. I absolutely detest it. Somehow it has a bad taste and a worse aftertaste. I said it tastes like curry, but my Indian friend thought I was making a dig at her. I wasn't, but I would like to point out that she loves Pimm's. Draw your own conclusions.

However, Pimm's does have a great commercial. Please check it out: PIMMS COMMERCIAL

Pimm's haiku:

Pimm's, I respect your
history, but not your taste.
Quinine and curry.

First watch the commercial via the conveniently provided link above. Then I'd love to hear your answer to this question: If you had to be one of the "ingredients" in a Pimm's, which one would you be? I say that Mint is obviously a huge badass - parachuting in from the sky - but I am still going with Ice. Who doesn't like a older black man in a nice suit? Also I'm pretty sure cucumber is kind of a d-bag.

Talk amongst on the word comment below and share your thoughts. If you don't participate I will force you to chug a Pimm's. Cheers!


Anonymous said...

Wellll let's see. I'm thinking ICE, like you, but maybe that strawberry dog. I sure as heck don't want to be Le Mon Ade or Orange. My spouse would like to be JUG.

I just got the link to your blog from my SISTER. (In code, to protect our privacy.) How come everyone knows about your blog but me? Not fair!

I want to drink a Pimms. Cucumber? Mint? Strawberry? OMIG-D!

Really am enjoying the blog, although desperately trying to catch up as one who was left OUT. Seriously. Left OUT.

Sign me: the cute one with the two adorable children.

Anonymous said...

Pimms - Yumm!
Sign me the one with the two adorable...nostrils.