Sunday, August 23, 2009


This one goes out to a guy who makes anything seem possible.

My friend has a really cool story: When she was 18 she decided to take a European vacation. Because of a combination of random reasons, she ended up spending an unplanned night in Switzerland where she happened to meet a guy. He was cute, polite, and had a very exotic sounding name. He took his afternoon and evening to show her and her friends around. She only saw him that night and went on with her trip as planned.

When she got home, she found that he had written her a letter and from that day on they wrote each other every day. He was in Switzerland, she was in Texas but they kept writing and eventually...they married. That was over 13 years ago.

I really love their story, not just because they are both really neat people and deserve the greatest happiness, but because it is a great reminder that no matter what your plans in life, really incredible and unexpected things can happen when you very least expect it.

Haiku for Gilbert (the fellow formerly known as Zhil-bear):

He gave it his all,
Then gave it all up for love
Even the soft "T".

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