First, I have made it to 200+ hits. I estimate that the percentage that are actually attributed to me is decreasing. Second, it is the end of a month and therefore the end of a certain kind of plogging.* That's right, haiku has had its time in the limelight and now it must retire to the area outside of Mendocino and do community theater to make way for newer, younger, more perky poetry.
Third, and most importantly, I got a blog-to-blog shout out from one of the funniest peeps I know. (Or don't know, if you are trying to figure out who I am, weird internet stalker.) I would like to cross-shout-out her blog so check it out: Smaller Adventure
I've made it! haiku:
Mentioned by the best,
Make her laugh and you're worthy.
She's a blog icon.
* Plogging = poetic blogging. I just made it up so put down that dictionary.
1 comment:
Man! Whoever writes that other fantastic blog ( probably so touched right now that she is likely to be printing out the only haiku ever written to her so that she can paste it into her diary and onto her bathroom and rearview mirror in order to read it obsessively and to have it handy to show to friends and strangers, just in case they don't know just how cool and funny she is. I mean, probably that's what she - or he- is doing right now, don't ya think?
;)You are so nice!
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