Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I love riding on trains and how you can be lulled into a kind of mental coma by the motion. But it always seemed so incongruous to me how you are just moseying along and suddenly another train passes in the opposite direction with such force. It almost seems pissed off. Like when you are in no hurry to get somewhere on a Sunday and some rude guy pushes past you doing that very fast walk that requires looking directly over everyone's head. It always makes me think Hey buddy, where's the fire?

But then again my train seems just as harsh to the opposite riders so I guess it's all relative? How profound. Talk amongst yourselves.

Heather on the track.
A train passes with violence...
Back to swaying naps.

Note: This was pared down from an original 7/9/7 Alisa haiku-stepchild and I honestly think it's better now. I think the true essence of the haiku is in simplicity. (For more on this please see my next posting.)

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