Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Low Table

On Tuesdays we have a fancy dinner called the high table. We have a speaker and we dress formally and eat very fancy food in a very fancy dining room. Last night before the high table the water turned off in our dorm while several of us were taking showers. And I mean actually WHILE we were in the shower. I had to rinse the soap off my legs using a bottle of water from the fridge which was so cold I can't even think about it right now without getting chills.

This is all thanks to the roadwork on High Street which is like a weekday alarm circa 7 am. Can't say I'll be sorry to see them go.

Severed water haiku:

Cleansing water comes,
Teases us, then goes without
taking the shampoo.

I know Oxford should be cold and wet but this was taking it too far. Brrrrr...

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