Wednesday, August 19, 2009

To Do

[Editor's note: This post was supposed to go up before I left Oxford, but it didn't. I suspect it didn't post because I never hit the "post" button, but I couldn't say for sure. I guess we'll never know.]

One hundred things on
my to do list but, just one
afternoon remains.

There are a long list of things I wanted to do while in England that I now won't have time to do before I leave. Somehow having a backlong of items on my suggested to do list makes me feel like I haven't had enough time here, like maybe I should just stay for a few more weeks. Here is a sample of the things I missed out on:

-Take a day trip to Stratford-Upon-Avon and seen a play by the Royal Shakespeare Company

-Eat sausage and mash at The Chequers

-Spend the night in Newcastle

-Go to Wales, just to say I had.

-Meet up with friends in Dublin

-Seen Jude Law play Hamlet in London

-Go punting again

But then I think of all the things I have done since I've been here and I would switch out any of those things for the items on my big paper of haven't-done:

-Had Sunday Roast at The Chequers

-Spend the night in Blackpool, the Atlantic City of England

-Go to Edinburgh and get a taste of Scotland

-Met new friends in pubs all over England

-Seen Sir Ian McKellen and Patrick Steward in Waiting for Godot

-Had one of the most eventful punting experiences ever

All in all, I am one very lucky person. And then again I have that one afternoon left...

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