Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Is it just me or is the Dallas Observer not worth the paper it's asking price?*

Someone [coughs while saying Schutze] has confused good investigative journalism with snarky, fact-indifferent articles about "the man" and his "minions." Plus the intros to news articles in the style of high school creative writing class are gag-inducing.

The concert info, restaurant, and movie reviews sections are still absolutely awesome, but this city (or possibly just me?) suffers greatly by not having middle-of-the-road coverage on local politics and events. God knows we can't trust the DMN for that.

You know how the Financial Times prints on pink paper? Well the Observer writing is so sensationalist that they should print feature articles on yellow paper so readers could immediately recognize the kind of journalism used. Zing!

Dallas Observer
I observe: arts sections - rock!
Feature stories - crap.

*Just in case you don't live in Dallas, are illiterate, or have never seen the lining of a local homeless person's push cart, I shall tell you this: the Dallas Observer is free.

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