Saturday, August 22, 2009

Time Zoning Out

Now that I am back state-side, I have had to switch all of my electronics back to Central Standard time. This should be the easiest thing in the world, really, because I am young-ish and therefore I know how to work most basic technology. Changing my blackberry time zone - no problem. Clock on my computer - total cinch.

But I never imagined the residual time and geography displacement issues resulting from operating technology in another country. For example, this blog kept thinking that I was still on English time and therefore was posting in the future. (Cue Twilight Zone music.) Also, I was trying to buy a plane ticket on the American Airlines site the other day and it kept telling me the price in British pounds. (It looks so much cheaper but it's not!)

Almost a week later, I think I have managed to convince blogspot that I am back in good ole Central Standard Time but I am apparently going to have to start flying Delta or United.

Using technology haiku:

Oh, technology
Communicating through you
But never with you.

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