Monday, September 14, 2009

Get 'Er Done

Have you ever thought something through, then decided that you weren't sure so you thought about it again? Then you were further confused and thought about it some more? That is a phenomenon often referred to as analysis paralysis. I suffer from it frequently.

I read somewhere once that the best decisions are made with 40-70% of the possible information. Forty percent was the minimum to have a good idea of what you were talking about, but more than seventy percent and you are just wasting time. If you find that you can't "pull the trigger" yourself, the next best cure is usually the advice of a considerate but decisive friend.

Paralysis Analysis poem:*

Opinion from thought.
Information from analysis.
But lengthy decision making
Shouldn't morph into paralysis.

* I have decided to use "from" instead of is/are in this poem. If you have a problem you can take it up with the management.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

my favorite blog of yours yet! i love how you are analyzing the negative effects of having analysis paralysis, only a true person suffering from the disease would do such a thing!!!! - karla kaye