Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Band Names

I had a drink of vino with some of my fabulous cousins tonight (don't try to out-cousin me, you lose before the firing gun even goes off). One of the many things we discussed was a band of a mutual friend of theirs. This made me think about something I hadn't thought about in a while: band names.

I admit that in the past I have often judged bands by their names. Not bands whose music I have heard before, but the bands who are pre "making it" phase. Those I judge. Come on, don't eye roll or head shake, I'll bet you judge too.

Like for instance take this situation: You have a free ticket to a music festival. There are two bands playing at the same time of different stages. One is called "Dog Ate My Homework" and one is called "Toe Fungus." Which one are you going to? Yea, I thought so.

Band Name poem:

Kings of Leon is regal.
Black Eyed Peas is cheery.
But my band would be named
Space-time continuum theory.

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