Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mad About Mad Men

Lately I have been borderline obsessed with the show Mad Men. The entire show is beautiful, I'm not sure how else to describe it. Visually stunning? That is cliche. And the plot is so engaging. And the rhythm of the show is different. I don't know, if you don't watch you won't understand.

Not that things were better in the early 60's, but the class and elegance of the time is pretty attractive. I even went on the Mad Men website and "mad men"-ed myself. I look like that office hottie to the right. And if you want to watch together and discuss, let's do it over a cocktail (see below).

And now I'm writing a poem about it.

Madison Avenue in the '60s poem:

Pillbox hats are elegant.
Drinks at work are super.
Oh to date Don Draper,
And work at Sterling Cooper.

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