Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Clutter, the Remix

As I mentioned a week or so ago, I have realized how much stuff* I have in my "full house" and how unnecessary it is.

In making my give away piles, I have cut deeper into my supply of stuff than before but I still am having some trouble parting with things I really like. That should be fine, but there sure is a lot of things I like, particularly in the clothing area.

So this (appropriately overpacked-sounding) poem is more to remind me to get rid of clothing, more than anything else. You're just along for the ride.

Clutter poem #2:

Cleaning is in vain
Anti-clutter thoughts are unheeded.
If it's unworn for two years
It is clearly unneeded.

* Just so you know, I am not using the word "stuff" here because of literary laziness. I am using it as a nicer word for crap.

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