Friday, September 25, 2009


So there is a new word being discussed at the water cooler lately and generally speaking, no one likes a new word or phrase more than I do.

However, I am not sure I can get on board with this latest creation..."retrosexual."  Now I know what a heterosexual is, and I know what a homosexual is.  I even learned what a metrosexual was a while back (in fact I lived with one.)  But this whole retrosexuality thing I'm not so sure about.

So here's the deal: with the advent of all of these social networking sites, people are reconnecting with old friends and old flames.  So when you rekindle that old romance, the media powers that be are calling that retrosexuality.

In some ways I understand the draw of this regressive dating.  I was a lot more put together in, say, high school.  Also, I was more easily defined; that is to say my role and how I fit in to life was much clearer. Sometimes I wish people would see me now as how I was then.

But still, that isn't how life works? That you change and don't get to go back? Isn't it sort of cheating to erase everything you have done since high school? It seems that way. And if you can't make some kind of improvement from what you have learned in the meantime, maybe stay away from MySpace and Facebook for a while to avoid the temptation.

Retrosexuality poem:

Some new guys are awesome,
And others are overrated.
The only ones I know won't do
are those I've already dated.

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