I had chosen that day to change my career track, I wanted to work in investor relations. I dressed in my best suit and planed to go talk to the director of investor relations at my company. Investor relations seemed challenging, engaging, and rewarding. Needless to say, that meeting didn't happen.
As soon as I got to work and heard about the second tower being hit, I turned around and went home. I spent most of the day in bed with my roommate wondering "How could this be happening?" As the dog came and laid in bed with us I couldn't help but think that animals would never do something like this to each other.
But here we are eight years later and what has changed? I have to take my shoes off at the airport, but the things done by a small group of misguided people in the false name of God has changed nothing about the fundamental character of this country. On that day people all over the country and the world reached out to help strangers. And now in a time with a historical president proposing historical improvements in our country, we just keep on keepin on.
Though I did not get to have that talk with the director at my company, I have found another, better way to enhance my working life (law school, I'm talking about you). And though things may have been different for our country without 9/11, Americans have still found a way to progress.
I think that is also worth taking a moment to remember.
Buildings are crumbled,
A city is hushed.
But what this country stands for
Cannot be crushed.
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