Sunday, September 20, 2009

Stand Up Comedy is Not in my Future

Do you want to hear something weird? I am working at the District Attorney's office this semester and we had to do a mock jury pick on Friday. Part of the critique of my "performance" was that I was never going to be a stand up comedian, but that I had a serious nature that works well and I should develop my technique around that.

I find this particularly funny because I can NOT stop joking around. I'm not saying my one liners are funny, I'm just saying I tell them it all the time. I use humor so people will like me, I use humor when I'm bored to entertain myself, I use humor to make people feel more comfortable, I use humor to make myself stand out, and I use humor even when it is not appropriate.

I guess that's it really, I just found it funny. So maybe I do have no sense of humor.

Some humor is calming.
Some quips are good chatter.
But when I choose a jury
It's no joking matter.

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