Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hindenburgs in our Future?

Ok, I have noticed in several sci fi (not SyFy) movies and shows about the future or an alternate reality that people travel in blimps.

I thought as a species, we had established that the blimp is unreliable...did I miss something? My favorite ridiculous blimp use is during inter-species battle or to keep A VIP safe from what is happening on land. I have watched a ton of TV and movies, and I never heard any villain say "We have to kill that guy attached to a huge, slow-moving bag full of explosive gas but I just can't figure out how."

Anyway, I hope that scientists figure out something more reliable because I don't want my kids riding around in one of those things. Of course I'm sure my grandparents felt the same way about my dad's Harley. Still, the only blimp I care to see is the tire-promoting one hovering over the Cowboys games.

Blimp poem:

Space ships are awesome.
Teleporting is pimp!
But I don't see "future us"
Traveling around in a blimp.

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