Tuesday, September 29, 2009

In Memory of Mr. B

My sister's new father-in-law passed away this past week, and his funeral was Saturday. In his memory, and in following with his wishes of reminder to all, I am submitting this public service poem.

I am trying to light-heartedly point out that you need to go to the doctor for regular checkups and recommended colonoscopy every now and then. I am not making light of his death, but I imagine this is the kind of tone he would prefer people to have.

Taking care of yourself poem:

Regular checkups are necessary.
Blood work is super.
And be sure to have to the doc
Check out your pooper.

Even so, I can't help but write something a little serious about him. Mr. B was the kind of guy you really looked forward to getting to know better. For those of you who didn't have the pleasure at all, I will tell you that he was able to talk to anyone, he had (and maintained) a perfectly dry sense of humor, and he could take a step back and honestly evaluate himself. Those are all qualities to which I aspire.

There are lots of ways to "go," but Mr. B did it with dignity and selfless foresight. We are all better people for having known him, I just wish we could have had longer.

His sons have been hugged.
His wife has been kissed.
But no planning will ease
How much he'll be missed.

1 comment:

AVR said...

What a lovely tribute.