Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Ok well I've been sick which is so annoying, but mostly because I get bored really easy.  One thing (perhaps the only thing) I have been enjoying is Netflix, God love 'em.  They have an option to watch instantly on line and it is the only thing that has kept me from going totally batty.

I have the two videos at a time so I can have one while one is on its way there or back and, trust me, it's the bees' knees.*  And I've just today gotten a disk for my PlayStation 3 so I can order freakin' movies directly to my TV - sa-weet!

To the glorious founder of Netflix
Whose two-at-a-time policy is helping dudes to get chicks.
Gather with friends to watch Troy's great sword battle
Then have the lady over for some Sleepless in Seattle.

* I'm not going to lie, I spent less time writing this post than I did pondering where the apostrophe goes on bee's/bees/bees' knees.  How many bees have these knees?  Talk amongst yourselves.

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