Saturday, December 5, 2009

Rose Hill

Even though exams are looming, I have escaped to take a vacation with my family which has recently grown in size to include one bro-in-law and one almost bro-in-law.  We are taking the day today to walk around lovely downtown Fredericksburg, Texas today, then heading back for a fancy dinner at our B&B which can be described as the place where adorable goes to retire.

I am sharing a little cottage with my sister and bro-in-law (romance killer, that's my street name) because there is nothing nicer than eating a huge dinner, then strolling across the driveway to your cottage next to an exotic animal pen and crawling in bed.  Now THAT is relaxation.

Glorious Rose Hill.
A perfect place to chill.
Escape from all of life's dramas
By sleeping in a villa next to llamas.

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