Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Cue the Balloons!!

Not long ago, I had my thousandth view of this page!!

I guess saying I had the thousandth view is a little like saying Jesus was born two thousand and nine years ago.  I think it's now widely recognized that he was born months and maybe years off of when we originally thought, and in much the same way I am probably not exactly at one thousand views.  See, I started the counter on this blog after I had already been posting for a little while.  Plus a bunch of those views are me checking post formats or seeing how many views I have.  But still, I choose to do as the Christmas celebrators do and just go with the flow.  You have to celebrate at some point right?

So...I have a thousand views!

In celebration I am giving a state of the union (plog) address with my new years resolutions for this blog.  Arrogant trumpet music please!

Forty score views and five months ago,  I had a dream.  Ever since then Eich bin ein Blogger.  And though the readers are few, we happy few, we band of brothers, they ask not what this blog can do for you, but ask what I am going to do for this blog.

By the way, if, in the comments section, you can name the five great speeches that I just butchered then you can win this genuine JFK air guitar (pictured below) as seen on Ebay, no seriously someone bought this.

Also, JFK = hint for two of the five speeches.  Yea, I know, I couldn't spoof five different public speakers but I went to public school so just be glad I didn't use the speech from Animal House.

So anyway, here are my "resolutions."

1) Redecorate blog.  Check!  I am using all that space on the sides now.  And I have been "feeling" the color gray lately.  Also I accidentally erased the blog title and explanation so that is new too.  If you love it please let me know!  If you don't like it please send me your feedback by using the subject line BLAH BLAH BLAH in an email to eff-off @ Get The Point Yet? OK

2) Increase followers.  So if you know someone who likes blog reading, or just general office time wasting, feel free to send them my blog address.  Think of it as a birthday present since by birthday is exactly 2 months from today.  But if not you still have time to custom order me a Dallas Cowboys/snake print Snuggie with my name embroidered on it.

3) Encourage comments.  I like hearing people's response to my posts!  It doesn't matter how inane you think your comments might be, remember that I have blogged about canine bulemia, Spam, and fake eyelashes.  So just click on comment!  You can do it anonymously.  [See also: the contest above.  Hot Dog!  I am always scheming.]

And of course to continue ploging!

My one thousandth page viewer!
Some blogs have many readers, I have fewer.
Though there are many viewers whom I have sought
It's probably just my Mom viewing this blog a lot.

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