Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bye Bye Buck

Buck and the Monster together

Well, sad entry here.  Poor little Buck died today.  I am so sorry for him and it sounds crazy but I really miss him even though he had only been here for a few weeks.  Even the Monster looks for him outside when I come in, and checked out his crate a few times to see if he was in there.  He was a little mini-me to her and a little buddy to me.

I feel like I let him down because he was just a little puppy and he needed someone to take care of him.  It feels like somehow I failed.

He had a lot of potential, he was smart and sweet and curious and playful.  We're not sure what caused his body to give out but I'm going to take this moment to get up on the soapbox again and say to make sure you vaccinate your pets!  It doesn't just effect your pet when they are not vaccinated, they can be carrier for diseases and possible create epidemics for other pets so vaccinate or else!  It is the responsible thing to do.

Poor little puppy Buck
Had terrible medical luck.
When his sickness really got rough
It turned out that loving him wasn't enough.

I will miss you Buck!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sad:( Rest in peace mini squirrel feets.

Charleston Mutt Lovers