Saturday, February 6, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is my mom's birthday!  If you don't know my mom, Ann, there is no way I can describe her to you.  Here is just a very general idea: take a moment and think of the nicest person you know.  Got it?  Ok good.  Well, compared to my mom, that person is Meryl Streep from The Devil Wears Prada.

Now recall the best food you have had all year.  A meal that tasted so ridiculously good that you made intimate noises at the table.  Yea, well that food is like what cardboard poops out compared to my mom's cooking.

Now think of the most thoughtful thing someone has ever done for you.  The kind of thing that once it was done, you thought "How did you know?"  Well that gesture was like sneezing in someone's face compared to what my mom does on pretty much a daily basis.

I could go on, but I think you get the point.  She is the best!

I love you Mom. Happy Birthday!!

There once was a lady named Ann
Who was great with a pot and a pan.
She'll do you a favor
Cause she's a life saver
As she leaves you can see her cute can.

Update: Click on this post's comments and see what my dad has to say - so adorable!

1 comment:

Dad said...

If you think that the description of her mother is an exaggeration, let me say that this same lady (and I do not use the word LADY generically), has been married 35 years to a fellow (me) who is pretty much considered by everyone to be a pretty big jerk.

But despite that fact, this LADY has never raised her voice nor spoken disrespectfully to him one time in all those years (no matter how bad he deserved it). Her home is and always has been, a place of peace, warmth and love. As exceptional a mother as she is, she is an even better wife.

The Talmud says "a good wife is better than diamonds and pearls." Whoever said that must surely have met our mother and wife Ann.

I wish you many more happy and healthy birthdays to come.