Monday, February 8, 2010

Who Dat Say Dey Gonna Beat Them Saints?

Now THAT was a game!  Or so I hear, I was forced to succumb to a Benadryl coma in the second half, but I did watch the end today on tivo.  What, don't look at me like that.  It was a medical emergency, trust me I wouldn't miss the only Superbowl any team I support will be participating in anytime this decade.

[Stares angrily towards Cowboy Stadium.]

A huge "Congrats!" go out to the Saints.
You won't even hear my complaints
'Bout bandwagon fans that
Keep asking "Who Dat?"
They held Peyton as though with restraints.

Ed Note: Grammatically speaking, I know the word "that" should be "who" but who doesn't rhyme and I was kind of embracing the whole "New Orleans" grammar theme.  Who Dat!

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