Friday, February 5, 2010

From Our Friends in the Grand Old Party

I am really focusing on the politics lately.  It's a good move in a effort to be the next wonkette.  She is a pretty cool blogger, I guess.  But let's just say she doesn't do poetry so...point Poetic Jabberwocky.

Today's limerick is what I picture a bunch of robed Republicans chanting as they add ingredients to a smoking cauldron.  Eye of Newt Gingrich, balls of (Michael) Steele,  heart of health care.  First they say:

Double double, create trouble.
Liars burn and tempers bubble.*

Then they all drink the Kool-Aid and chant together in perfect union:

Let's distract with newsworthy dramas
And argue 'bout where to put commas
In bills we'll never pass
In a move to harass
And try to dethrone the Obamas.

To all you Republicans out there, you heard me!  It's a challenge.  Try and do something to benefit all the members of your constituency (the human ones, not just the corporations) rather than just toting the party line.  I know you have real feelings behind that mask, let it out!

* It's paraphrased Shakespeare, people.  Macbeth, to be specific.  You should check it out sometime.

1 comment:

AVR said...

Poetic Jabberwonky? Has a nice ring to it!