Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Quatrain's Caboose

Today's word is penchant, a noun meaning inclination, decided taste, or a strong liking.

I have a strong penchant to avoid certain kinds of poetry on this site.  Namely, the hard poetry.  I love haiku and will certainly revisit it in the future.  During the haiku month I learned how to control cadence and syllables.  I liked quatrain because I improved my rhyming skills.  Clerihew kept it funny and acrostics and cinquains kept me restricted to a specific setup.  So for next month's poetry I am going to take on the impossible and combine all of these "skills" for a serious challenge.  Stay tuned!

My penchant is for haiku
Or possibly a quatrain or two
But with poetry more complex
My penchant is to just say "next!"

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