Sunday, January 24, 2010

Rodent Signs are Tangible = Sanity is Frangible

Today's word is frangible (adjective): Capable of being broken; brittle; fragile; easily broken.

If you know anything about me, you should know that I am terrified of mice. You're probably thinking "hey, me too.  Mice are gross." NO!  I mean they really scare the bejezus out of me.  Abnormally.  You just dislike them in the usual way.  I'll bet you don't want a velvet portrait hanging in your rumpus room depicting mice playing poker.  And I'm guessing you think that friend who has them is pets is of questionable sociability.  That is normal.

But that is not what I'm talking about.  I'll bet the movie about the charming rodent cook Ratatouille didn't give you nightmares.  [He was touching the food for Christ sake!]  And I'll bet you never laid in bed crying all night after they chased you around your apartment and on to your coffee table where you languished nervously until your roommate finally came home.  And most of all I'll bet a very large one (the kind that rhymes with flat or scat) did not fall on you from above in your very narrow garage.  I mean he was on a kamikaze mission probably trying to kill me with the plague or fleas or one of the many other scourges they carry.

Just writing this post I had to get up once to relax.

The worst part of them is when you don't know for sure they are there.  Rodents are sneaky little bastards.  They sneak around when you are there and make you question if you have paranoia, hearing loss, or an overactive imagination.

So what I'm saying is I may or may not have mice.

My frangible rodent-free make believe world
Just a few little red flags and it starts to unfurl.
Dog at my feet but is that her food that I hear?
Find a kibble outside my bedroom and choke back the tears.

1 comment:

AVR said...

Rodents: Truly horrifying.
Nutria: Them or me.
Squirrels: Don't be fooled by the hype. Still rodents.
Chihuahuas: Questionable.
Pigeons: Stuff of nightmares, but that's a different post.