Monday, January 25, 2010


Plenipotentiary (adjective): Containing or conferring full power; invested with full power or (noun) A person invested with full power to transact any business.

What?  How did I not know this word before.  If there is one thing I enjoy...well it is combining two words together to make a new word (ex. poetry + blogging = plogging.)  But if there is a second thing I care to emply to the extent of its use it is words that make delegating tasks seem honorable (Ex: you are the grand poobah of vacuuming.  Congrats!)

I highly suggest at some point today to make a plenipotentiary delegation of your least favorite task.  I think the recipient of this honor may very well be impressed with your confidence in him or her.*

You feel you have been slighted
But it is quite to the contrary
Instead you have been invited
To be my foot rubbing plenipotentiary.

* The writer of this plog is not responsible for anyone getting punched in the face of other body part.  Use this advice at your own peril.  You are the plenipotentiary of your actions and are thereby responsible for their consequences, you honorable fellow you!

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