Thursday, January 14, 2010

Draconian Responses

Today's word is draconian, an adjective meaning excessively harsh, severe.

Man, people have jumped all over Harry Reid.  Because of his statements about Obama during the last presidential campaign that were recently released.  And the Washington Post published this whole article about why there were double standards for politicians of different ethnicity.  Read the article here. 

Well, here's why rappers can use the "n" word (in any variation) and rich, white guys can't: it is more difficult to be in the minority.  And when people are constantly pointing out what is different about you that makes it harder.  So everyone, stop doing that.  I know this hardship because I am a member of two important minorities: those with extremely small hands and non-protestants.  I would say women also, but we are pretty much cleaning up lately so that sounds a bit far from genuine.

On the flip side, everyone needs to calm down and stop jumping down everyone else's throat.  I am not the most sensitive person on the face of the earth, but I try to consider other people's feelings. In spite of this consideration, I sometimes offend others anyway.  People are almost always understanding of this.  Why can't we just apply this standard to everyone?  Let's tell Harry why that is not OK and move on and deal with some real issues rather than kill a rainforest printing newspaper articles about one stupid comment made over a year ago?

[Ed. Note: I am getting deja vu because I think I have blogged about the excessive media attention given to these kind of politican's comments before.  And I was going to link to that blog posting, but I did one search of my blog and couldn't find it.  I would do another, but I don't care that much.  I have a lot of catching up to do, OK?]

Feel free to sound off in the comments.

What is the best way to deal with a statement
Made in ignorance by a prominent Washingtonian?
We should push for persecution abatement
And make sure the response isn't draconian.

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