Sunday, April 18, 2010


I think the legacy of my generation (and plus or minus a little depending on how strict you are with your generational qualifications) is going to be the blurring of borders.  We don't just talk on the phone, we text while talking and blackberry messengering while driving.  We don't just eat, we eat and walk around and talk and drive.  (I'm not sure why all of this involves driving, I guess we really have places to go.)

I am so overstimulated that I hate taking a shower because it is so darn boring.  I have to have a new mix on my iPod or turn on NPR to get through it.  I must watch TV or surf the net while I'm eating and while I'm studying I won't even tell you the multiple other things I do.  There is an actual commercial now about kids who eat standing up and the (fake) discrimination they face.  Who wants to eat standing up?   That is just stupid.  How are you supposed to balance the TV remote if you are walking around.

This extreme multi-tasking is great sometimes, but I fear it has gotten out of control.  For me, the real problems start when you forget the original task that you are attempting to conquer.  No one better personifies this than the "singer" Ke$ha.  I love her songs, they are the kind of songs you play while doing other things (getting ready to go out, driving with the windows down, and, for me, showering.)  She was the musical guest on the last Saturday Night Live and she put on a crazy performance with lights and costumes and effects and dancing.  She showed off her creative side (which is apparently not bound by our establishment concept of a 26 letter alphabet.)

But there's just one problem, she can't sing.  Should we be concerned about this?  Check it out for yourself.

Ke$ha (pronounced Keh-sha)
You're a multitasking mesha.
Your neon tribal body-drawings didn't quite distract
From your tinny voice in your talentless act.

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