Sunday, April 4, 2010

Branching Out

[Ed. note: I have been having trouble with my internet at home, so I have quite a few entries written, but just have to get them edited and formatted now that I can get on again, or at this second anyway.  Aren't I just full of excuses?]

I spent a night this weekend at the family ranch and I forgot how peaceful it is out there.   The dogs loved it and I had a great time sitting around doing nothing.  I think if everyone had a ranch/farm/lazy lakehouse, this world might be a better place.

The creaking of crickets
Are relaxing and comforting
Instead of an indication
Of a failed joke.

The sound of a train on the tracks
Serves as an indicator of bedtime
And not a sign
that you will be stuck in traffic.

Knee high grass is a home for fireflies
Rather than a reminder
To get out the mower.

Time spent together
takes a different cadence
When you don't have to rush off
To work or carpool or class.

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