Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Fellow from Dallas

This one is dirty, so put away your bible, send your kids into the other room, and lay the picture of your grandparents face down for a second.  I think this is more or less how limericks are supposed to go though, so don't blame it on me.  Blame it on the limerick culture.

I was reading some limericks on line though, and I think the saying-nice-things-about-people style is not really in the spirit of the craft.  So here goes.

There once was a fellow from Dallas
Whose wife cursed his sexual prowess
One night he climbed astride 'er
And made her a bull rider:
He'd tattooed a longhorn on his phallus.


AVR said...

Smut suits you!

Anonymous said...

Eeyoo. Racy and maybe yucky.