Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mollie's Birthday Poem

And the poem about my other sister, Mollie, just for fun.

Mollie was a youngest child
Which gave her license to go totally wild.
All your clothes and things were shared
And if you objected, she rarely cared.
When she took ownership of your possession
It would sometimes escalate to aggression
You could take your gripe to the parents
But all adults were Mollie adherents.
With her cute face and long blond hair,
Your argument didn't have a prayer.

So you'd let your anger grow colder
And just wait until Mollie got older.

Now that day has finally come!
What an adult Mollie has become
Now I'd loan her anything I'm able to
(Though for safety I put my name in the label, too.)

Happy birthday Molls! You make a good grown up.

Love, your favorite sister
(you know the one.)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Since I Fear Losing Reader(s)

Here is a little poem I did for my sister Jen's bday.  Just to whet your poetic appetite for April.*

A girl named Jen turned 29
When she woke up that morning everything felt fine
But by the end of the day she had an ache and a pain
She thought to herself "Will I ever be young and cute again?"
But her older sister came to her aid
With Alleve and makeup and said "Don't be afraid!
You can keep that young feeling through yoga and laughter."
And so the sisters lived happily ever after.

* Blog moving in April to www.poeticjabberwocky.blogspot.com. I think "followers" will be moved with the blog so there is some incentive to create a log in and become a follower.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Yup, I Lied

I am taking off the entire month of March.  Think of it as my extended spring break.

(Reminder: blog is moving on April 1st.)

Monday, March 15, 2010

Negligent Plogging

Dear team, I am terribly behind on this blog and I know it.  For the first time ever I have egregiously and seriously neglected this blog.  I plan on fixing that quickly.  Thank you, reader, for noticing and checking in real life to see if I was stuck under a large rock.  No, not you, the other reader.

Stay tuned for some updates!!

[Reminder, this blog is moving in April.]

Monday, March 1, 2010

A Natural Choice: Anaphora

Ok, I am not insulting anyone's intelligence by backdating any of these entries.  I am just posting when it is time to post, and doing a current day post every day in March going forward.  And I promise that by the end of March there will be no less than 31 posts for the month.

But just one exception, the first posting of the month, for bureaucratic reasons.

Without further ado, I will announce this month's poetry type: Anaphora!  It's in the posting title if you missed that.  Just sayin.  For the purposes of this blog, anaphora rules are as follows:
- Use a certain word or sound to begin lines of poetry.
- The word or sound must begin in two or more lines.
- The poem can have more than one word or sound, as long as there are at least two consecutive lines using each word/sound.
- If I change these rules later, there is nothing you can do about it because I will also change this page so no one will ever believe your complaints.*

A thanks goes out to Marc L. for suggesting this poetry type.  Today's poem is about him.

Marketplace of ideas, and still
Marking suggestions to my call for poetry types
Markedly repetitive suggestions for those who have not read this blog for long.
Marc does not disappoint with anaphora.

* That was more for informational purposes than an actual rule.