Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mollie's Birthday Poem

And the poem about my other sister, Mollie, just for fun.

Mollie was a youngest child
Which gave her license to go totally wild.
All your clothes and things were shared
And if you objected, she rarely cared.
When she took ownership of your possession
It would sometimes escalate to aggression
You could take your gripe to the parents
But all adults were Mollie adherents.
With her cute face and long blond hair,
Your argument didn't have a prayer.

So you'd let your anger grow colder
And just wait until Mollie got older.

Now that day has finally come!
What an adult Mollie has become
Now I'd loan her anything I'm able to
(Though for safety I put my name in the label, too.)

Happy birthday Molls! You make a good grown up.

Love, your favorite sister
(you know the one.)

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