Friday, July 30, 2010


I passed finishing the bar exam!  That is how I am going to look at it.  Some people fail at finishing but I finished so I passed at finishing the bar exam.  Now I must wait months to find out if I passed the actual bar exam.  Oh joy.

Good news though:  I am going to spend a week of that 3.5ish months in Mexico relaxing.  Take that world!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Maggot Study Break


Ok, bejeebles, don't look at me like that.  I took one break to surf the net.  An hour ago.  But who is counting?

But I post because I wish I was this funny...  Please note this is a total reversal of my earlier opinions of this fellow's* writing.  Well not a total reversal, maybe he should stick to writing about actual maggot crap instead of using ridiculous phrases like maggot crap to refer to local politicians.

Ok I'm going back to torts and suits now.  Stop judging.

*Notice how I say "this fellow" because he probably Googles himself.  I'm so internet savvy.  Now I just hope he can't figure out who is linking to his blog entries.

Friday, July 16, 2010


Who the eff works in Toyota marketing?

I am a little behind the times but did you know that Toyota changed their motto to "moving forward" sometime before today but after they started having problems with their brakes.  As in, drivers could not stop their Toyota vehicles from moving forward.

I have thought up a few more award-winning slogans
BP: We're operating in the black, and now you are too!
Ford Pinto: Try riding in one, it's a blast!
AOL Dial up: You'll spend all your time on our internet service!
Asbestos: Our insulation keeps out the highway's death prattle.
Pixy Stix: We wouldn't let a juvenile diet beat us. (Diat-bet-es...anyone?)

Red Rider BB Gun: Our safety control has crossed their Ts and dotted their eye.

Now to cap it all off, here is an outstanding piece of invisible poetry:

Ha!  Now, wasn't that fantastic?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Movies and Dreams

In passing today, I saw a preview for some really crappy movie (I already don't remember which one) and the said something like "The most sexy fun you will have all summer!" and I thought to myself, that is probably true.

How sad is this story?  I had a dream the other night that I was competing in a Miss America-like competition and the announcer accused me of really being a man.  The whole audience was laughing at me.  I was there on the stage, the recipient of everyone's mockery and disgust and I was perfectly happy.  Because I was running through the elements of defamation and invasion of privacy thinking what a wonderful case I had.

Nothing can help me now.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

July is Stress Month!

This month I am studying for the bar exam so the theme is....drum roll please...invisible poetry!  That's right folks, it's not like I'm punking out and not writing poetry, it's just that you can't see it.

In fact, I've been blogging daily since July 1st, can't you see it?  The emperor DOES have clothes on, dangit!

Your favorite stressball.