Sunday, November 8, 2009

Oh, Hollywood...

[Warning: A serious nerd alert for what follows.]

Ok so the second Twilight movie is coming out soon which brings to the forefront of my mind a very delicate issue: vampires versus werewolves. It is so obvious that Hollywood is trying to tell us they are equal but I am not susceptible to their left-wing sensationalist media lies. Vampires are clearly better. I just had to get that off my living, breathing chest no matter how controversial it is.

I give a serious tip of the hat to image-makers/fakers though. I know in the new Twilight movie they will make bloodsucker Edward seem like a jerk and canine-secret Jacob seem like the good guy. But seriously, I'm going with bats over wolves in the "real" world any day. Though obviously the best of any choice is the Scott Speedman werewolf/vampire from Underworld (see below.) Ahooooooo!*

Nocturnal. Omnipotent.
Sucking, healing, sleeping.
Vanishing into thin air.

* That was a howl. Just to be clear. It's not as easy to spell as you might think.

1 comment:

hungeryjack said...

Nice post - Alisa Scott ..Keep Posting

Alisa Scott