Monday, August 2, 2010



No joke, I took that picture from our hotel.  That is a what sunset looks like where I am, no hallucinogenics required.

Here is our room, it's the one with the light on.  Kind of like a Motel 6 except a tragillion times nicer and we will NOT actually keep the light on for you.  Come on man, I need my beauty sleep.

You may be thinking "Sha, but what when you leave the property?  Will it still be as nice as all that?"  And I tell you dear friend, I do not know since I have not yet had reason to leave.  Zing!

Also, this month's poetry type will be haiku containing a word that contains "ex" or the letter X to celebrate some time in mEXico.  Just think of it as "This month's poetry, brought you to by the letter X."

Dreams in Mexico
Still about the bar exam
but with sunburn pain.

1 comment:

AVR said...

Excellent idea
Leaving tiny, crowded print
For sun, sky, sand, and waves.

It sure is beautiful there! I hope you are in a good mood when you come back so that you don't notice I murdered your plants.